Places of Antoria

This is a comprehensive but not exhaustive list of various locations grouped by association.


Sparkofar, the capital city and location of Elite Argom Palace, built by Dom Nuriaz

Dom Nuriaz, a mountain by Sparkofar, on top of which dragons nest and live

Sparkon Pass, a three-gorge pass leading to Hellornia, Arnior and Drakmanic Desert, through which the Arnivon-Helzin River flows

Yanakhon (Yanat - our; khon - land)

Teleng, (Sil. Teleng Iosis - West City), or Andaliosis (Sil. Andal - white; Iosis - city), the second-largest city in Yanakhon, formed as the cultural and political capital after Gralon Era.

Yontor, or Iontor, Ionbor (Rnk.), Joontor (Ymb.), the largest city in Yanakhon, the most important city by the Blue Sea.

Seleriosis, (Sil. Seler - silver), or Silver City or Selerian City, the capital of the Selerian world formed around the Selerian Pass between Silverland and Avonic inner lands.

Ikhanic City, a city located at the strait between Ikakhon island and the continental Ionia, the largest Ikharonian city.

Silantis, the ancient city destroyed by the eruption of Seleturm supervolcano in 720BSE.

Thang Ikharon, Fort Ikharon, a massive stone gate at the mouth of the Unthom Pass leading to the Lonely Valley.

Untomithang, the Lonely Fortress, a towering palace located in the Lonely Valley.

Salon, the Temple City in Salon Valley

Harachim, or the Hidden Valley, once isolated, then inhabited by the Belsetarian refugees fleeing the Selerian persecutions

Dalator, the capital of the Dalaan Valley, sometimes referred as the Paradise City or Treasure City, (Sil. Dalat - treasure; tor - castle, fort, stronghold, foundation stone).

Telkheron, or Eaglestone, a town built in an exhausted volcano crater, was the last Ikharonian stronghold east of Lonely Valley before Selenthion Era.

Arkhanic City, by the Strait of Arkane, at the very northern tip of Ionian continent. Known for the Bridge of Arkane and the Temple of Arkhaniel.

Akharrat, a small salt mine village located in northern Silwoods. Would transliterate literally as Hilltop.

Tritoria, an old Silvonian castle town. (Sil. Tikh - salt; toria - castle, stronghold)

Highland Castle University, or Avalontor, built as a frontline defense by Metorians against Whitlings, primarily used as a library and an university since Salimerat Era, including during the Perillean rule.

The Khonnors of Yanakhon

Yanakhon consisted of 72 historical kingdoms and republics called connors (Sil. Khon - realm, country; orn - land)

1. Amilonia, Andalberon (Whitetown)

2. Andalintor, Andaltor (Whitecastle)

3. Andalion, Andalsams (Whiteport)

4. Annathron, Namalon

5. Aramatia, Dalat (Treasure)

6. Arkhania, Arkhanic City

7. Avala, Amaron

8. Avalonia, Avalator (Highcastle)

9. Avon, Antoriosis (Antoric City)

10. Balaat, Baalon

11. Belathron, Bulvoneis

12. Beret, Beret Serine (Rock Stream)

13. Khalassat, Sams Khalassat (Port Khalassat)

14. Dalaan, Dalator (Treasure Castle)

15. Damatsi, Damat Iosis (Gold City)

16. Dunasheat, Setsuan Iosis (Wasteland City)

17. Erikhon, Bahram

18. Eulathron, Regim

19. Gestilingat, Karnator

20. Shilon, Samalon

21. Harachim, Harachim (Hidden Valley)

22. Ikakhon, Kensharim

23. Ikhalia, Eekha

24. Ikharonia, Ikhanic City

25. Ikhastorm, Yonkirkan

26. Ion Norlon, Nemesin Beron

27. Iserikhon, Thangomitho (Boulder Fort)

28. Iskheritho, Ekhthebel

29. Ithiltharkum, Narakhan

30. Karchurim, East Karabol

31. Katator, Torathron (Rock Kingdom)

32. Khalikhon, Askethron

33. Kharden, Kanaapan

34. Kharon, Pelkhen

35. Kharvall, Kharmathuil

36. Koboltan, Koppeltan Beron

37. Komor, Khoron

38. Krala, Barrowsams (Port Barrow)

39. Lothorim, Nierim

40. Mallanthron, Gauran

41. Metoria, Metemluter (Blackwater)

42. Milonthron, Milon Beron (South Town)

43. Minarkh, Panark

44. Morakhon, Moratoria (Stonecastle)

45. Narwin, Valarrat (Low Point)

46. Nirkhanel, Ravanierim

47. Orikhon, Ovakhon

48. Panakhan, Monakhan

49. North-Selethron, Seleriosis (The Silver City)

50. Rivannat, Palipansams (Port Priest)

51. Saginat, Tabulator

52. Aswin, Astor

53. Selekhon, Gamat Portat

54. Selengen, Untomielsams (Port Untomancer)

55. Selethron, Seleriosis (The Silver City)

56. Selitor, Selerthang (Silver Fortress)

57. Selkhen, Telshing

58. Siltharkum, Gengpelin

59. Silvon, Salon

60. Antoric Land, Antorianic City

61. Teleng, Andaliosis (White City)

62. Telkhen, Telkheron (Eaglestone)

63. Gamakhon, Gamat Beron (Milltown)

64. Unthom, Unthomithang (Lonely Fortress)

65. Valon, Valon Iosis (Lower City)

66. Versallat, Aakh

67. Baloturm, Boltavat

68. Winn Shailon, Narsilim

69. Yaliskhon, Yalista

70. Yalon, Iosis ekh Yonei (Ionic City)

71. Yalonarim, Yaloserine (Yalon Stream)

72. Yontoria, Yontor (Yoncastle)

The Grand Mountains | Stormtire

Gharzumvangel Pass.

The Hall of Four or the Hall of Allemennar, the Bringers of Gifts.

Koxvyneis or Koxvin.

Stormhart, the largest glacier on Antoria.

The Northern Wildernesses | Arnior

Lake Phanim, stretching from Northern Phanim across the North Pole deep into the Arnioric lands. The lake is referred by the Arnic people as the Coastless Sea, as most of its coasts consist of endless swamplands with floating islands ranging from the size of a large ship to enormous landmasses.

Marshes of Änger, the eastern end of Lake Phanim.

Pelonvangel, or the Northern Pass.

The Northern Hall, a palace built on a floating island.

Perillenia | Perillaeion

Note: While Perillenia refers to the country and the native Perilleans, Palpurian refers to the entire cultural hemisphere; in common parlance, these terms are freely interchangeable. The Yoneians use the derogatory term "Reddick" to refer the Perilleans (Sil. Persikh - "reddy"; the term comes from their Balcour red uniforms).

Balbour, the capital of Perillenia, located at the southern tip of the Fabelen Peninsula.

Artican Valley, isolated but wealthy valley in the northern Perillenia, knwn for its craftsmanship and also home to the Meusar Academy. Especially known for precision mechanics such as quad bows, optical instruments and fine jewelry.

The Perillean Athelions

The Perillenia consisted of historical Athelions, provinces which were controlled by powerful families, later unified by the Meuriorians under one rule. The Perillenian flag used to be a multi-color chequered flag, later turned into red-yellow only.

1. Fabelen

2. Athon

3. Dimalorion

4. Pecuilliae

5. Raunion

6. Veioion

7. Meurion

8. Catasolae

9. Nimbarion

10. Cartidgan

11. Phannalion

12. Artican

13. Artisoe

14. Lanealora

15. Laundaniae

16. Vollithiae

17. Bonshac

18. Perillon

19. Eltherchaut

20. Tumbarion

21. Astelistae

22. Chauceance

23. Selinnae

24. Helithion

25. Elecous

26. Truquscan

27. Lyderion

28. Perilliae Adauae

29. Orleiconiae

30. Cesnar Avarlonae

Ironland | Rammorn(ia)

Note: Rammornians or Ironlanders were commonly referred to as Rancks; (Sil. Ramm - iron; mornia - land) note that the term Renck (Sil. Renkh - rust) was generally considered offensive. The term Condar was occasionally used among Rancks, dating back to the Iron Empire era of the Condarian Seafarers, but this term was often associated with the Vaskitic Strömian Stalwarts and was seen in a negative light by many, especially among Yoneians and Yalis.





Thorzuk's Workshop

The Kondarian Iron Mountain Palace





The Tower of Sulaiz

Masorania | Mazuran

Strait of Kumer

Mazugarthan Island

The Temple of the Sea God

Saqrana Island

Satygartha, the Paradise City of Sea

The Mystery of the 1001 Islands

Selassinia | Shalazin


Tower of Khabar

Strait of Salastaan


Colossia | Colozar

Tricoloss City


Yalipan | Jalipaan

Yambar, Jambaar

The Amber Palace

Yaliskho, Jalisko Shipyards

Muurland | Muurman

Land of Ra | Ramaan

The Calligraphy School of Qata Mazur

The Xi Dain Lines

Shambor | Sampori