Flags and Emblems

Various flags, emblems and other symbols.

Flag of Yanakhon (The Yonian States)

The Flag of Yanakhon had a Yonic cross with 72 stripes, one for each connor. The flag represented the Yonic colors of purple, gold, and white.

Flag of the Kingdom of Silvon

The Silvonian flag was a typical Yonic cross flag of the Yanahaxat type, representing the Silvonian colors of blue and white.

Flag of the Kingdom of Metoria (Blackland)

The flag of Metoria followed their insignia colors, which usually consisted of black gear with white details. The Order of Blackwater used various chevroned sub-flags for different regiments.

The Metorian colors originated from their habit of treating the easily rusting steel gear by boiling it in a mixture of burnt lime and volcanic salt, which gave it a matte black color with a blue tint.

Flag of the Selerian Empire (Silverland)

The flag of Selethron represented the historical colors of purple and silver. The Silantic Goblet originated in the era of the legendary Silantis City, which was destroyed by the eruption of Seleturm, and was then the emblem of the Silanna family. It later descended with the great Selerian royal families and became the emblem of the Selerian Empire as a whole.

The other variation of the Selerian flag was the Yanahaxat cross flag in purple and silver.

Flag of the Order of Meusarion

Linquiria Prectelion Meusarixae Perillion Balbouricon, The Fire Riders Protector Order of the Palpurian Empire under the Perillion Star, commonly known only as the Meusarion, or individually as the meusars [meus - fire; sarcir - rider], whose academy was located in the Artican Valley.

The Meusars were an elite group of knights of the Perillean Empire, under the direct control of the Meuriorian ruling family. Equipped with Artican quad bows and hand-crafted full plate armor, yellow in color with black detailing, and having undergone years of rigorous training, they were a recognized and feared strike force wherever the Perillean Empire set foot.

Flag of the Perillean Empire

The checkered flag of the Perillan Empire was a simple and well-recognized symbol of the Palpurian reach.

Originally composed of the various colors of all the different Athelian provinces of Perillenia, after the Meuriorians unified them under one rule, the flag was changed to represent only their family colors, red and yellow.

Flag of the City-State of Yontor

The flag of Yontor consists of the three-pointed Yalian cross (which is always displayed in this direction when alone), and each stripe represents one of the main islands of Yontor City. The colors purple, gold, and white are the colors of the Yalianic-Yonic cultural hemisphere.