About us
Highwater International Publishing House was established to publish the Antoric Adventures and METORM book series. Although the publisher does not have a physical location, it is a registered entity in its operating country and manages its own ISBN entries. Please note that not all publications may have an active ISBN associated with them, depending on the platform.
Scope of work
The Antoric Adventures and METORM book series aim to establish a completely independent and original fictional world that transcends traditional genre boundaries, drawing inspiration from a diverse array of sources.
The original philosophy behind this work was to identify common genre conventions - not to confine the narrative within those limits, but to encourage the creation of something new. This approach has faced criticism from those who argue that only genre-specific books adhering to conventions are marketable. However, we believe that true creativity fundamentally involves breaking existing rules.
One thing is certain: the METORM books are not just another medieval English fantasy story nor a Tolkienesque imitation. They feature no elves or dwarfs, and the naming conventions are original and non-Germanic.
Significant emphasis has been placed on readability and accessibility, ensuring that the works are approachable for the average reader. Thus, difficult and foreign terms and titles have been minimized and used only for effect, while elements such as extensive worldbuilding, info-dumping, and scene insertion solely for exploration of the world have been largely eliminated.
The core principle of our storytelling is to build everything around the central plot, rather than the other way around. Many(if not even most) elements of Antoria are never mentioned in the main story, as worldbuilding has been treated as a brainstorming exercise rather than a way to generate filler content.
Consequently, it can be challenging to summarize this world in a single sentence relative to other fictional universes. Inspiration has been drawn from the entirety of human history and culture, focusing on continuity errors and the plausibility of the world rather than strict historical or cultural accuracy. Elements from Mesopotamia, the Chinese and Indian empires, Abrahamic religions, Roman and Greek republics and empires, Japanese philosophy, and timeless themes are all incorporated.
The geology of Antoria also diverges from our world, both in climate and geological features. The twin-star system creates unique seasonal patterns that affect the planet as a whole, rather than following a clear north-south climate spheres. Additionally, the continents of Antoria are arranged differently, resulting in a unique and complex interplay of cultural birth and conflict that does not adhere to our world.
The topic of automated literature has sparked considerable debate in recent years, making it essential to address this issue. We find the concept of artificially generated content and automated literature uncanny. The works of Antoric Adventures are based on human creativity and original inspiration, with the vast majority of our content created long before any artificial systems existed.
100% of all nascent content has been manually created without the use of any generative technology.
AI has been utilized for text editing and proofreading through software such as ProWritingAid and Grammarly. We believe that using AI for mechanistical tasks like grammar checks is fine. It reduces error rates and improves readability without altering the content or voice. Functionally, this is similar to AutoCorrect and other tools that have been around for 30 years. This approach does not impact or replace human creativity; rather, it enhances it.
We are actively seeking new illustrators who can truly capture the essence of Antoric Adventures. If you are interested, please reach out to us at contact@metorm.com.
It is vital to note that AI detectors are inherently inaccurate, leading to false positives. Distinguishing AI-generated text from human-created content can be challenging, as AI algorithms are trained on a vast array of human-written works. The most effective AI detection tools can only be minus one point as good as the best AI content generators, as the original generator can always be trained to circumvent the nuances of the detector.
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Highwater International Publishing House | 2024
The Chronicles of Metorm | 2004 - 2025
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