Unlock the Secret. Save the World. Or Destroy It.
In the land of Yanakhon, grand kings and legendary lightning warriors fought their foes riding majestic saginairs—winged lions. Their power stemmed from Salat Kata, a mystical art known as the Secret. This latent skill, learned through a symbolic codex, enabled them to bend wills, forge unmatched warriors, and wield thunderblades, weapons infused with lightning.
However, ambition breeds betrayal. Power-hungry factions corrupted by the Secret, turning it into a tool of destruction that led to the empire's downfall. During the Last Stand, they concealed their inheritance from the enemy: the Temple Ark, which carried the prime slab of Salat Kata. Only one survived, knowing its location.
Centuries later, Yanakhon languishes as a slave colony under foreign rule, its proud heritage nearly forgotten. In that spring, the hiding heirs of the last survivor made a final attempt to recover the Secret, but they failed, and the knowledge was lost forever.
Or so they thought.
Sagiron, an unsuspecting young hunter, stumbles upon an artifact that appears insignificant but possesses the power to reshape history—or end it. In his hands lies the key to Antoria’s most formidable weapon, and it is only a matter of time before rumors of his discovery begin to spread.
Thus begins the Antoric adventure, filled with temple knights, martial arts guilds, rogues and rebels, mysteries and magical treasures, rich cultures and worldbuilding, secret societies and politics, and magnificent creatures from winged lions to dragons. Join this epic hero's journey full of action and suspense. Your adventure begins here.

Preamble to the Selenthion
The Selenthion is a four-part story following Sagiron's journey from the moment he discovers the Secret to the realization of the long-yearned Yanakhon, securing the freedom of the Yoneians.
The Secret, called Salat Kata (Sil. Secret Skill), the ultimate knowledge and most powerful weapon on Antoria, was hidden in the Temple Ark at the Fall of Harachim after the betrayal of the Second Grand-Kings' brother and conquests of the Condarian Iron Empire to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands, but to keep it for the generations to come.
A prophecy was given by Anthorm the Aswinian about a third Grand King who would one day come, unearth the hidden treasure, and bring about the New Antorian Order.
Manakhan Arkhaniel, commonly known as the Arkman, found a way out of Harachim after being trapped, surviving the Fall with the knowledge of the whereabouts of the hidden Ark. He attempted to lead a crusade to retrieve the Ark, but was unsuccessful, and went into exile for generations, waiting for the right time.
That time never came; instead, times grew worse under the Perillean Empire, which had turned Yanakhon into a miserable slave colony. The seventh heir of Arkhaniel decided to take destiny into his own hands and set out with his two brothers in search of the Ark, traveling through Yonland and Harachim, the Hidden Valley, with the knowledge passed down through their family.
Little did they know that a Perillean meusar detective, a prince of the Meuriorian ruling family, had long been investigating the Legend of Anthorm and had received a tip about the trio. An accident exposed the trio, giving the meusars a lead that led them to the Silvonian castle town of Tritoria, where their inn was raided. The trio escaped, and during their flight one of them managed to hide the scroll containing the Secret, preventing it from falling into enemy hands. The Arkman attempted a final escape from a broken bridge, but was captured and taken to Teleng for interrogation in the infamous Andalust Prison.
However, his appearance didn't go unnoticed by many fortune seekers, and he was rescued from the prison by Yalian criminals in a daring operation and taken to Yambar, Yalipan. As word spread, all who could, set sail for Yambar, and a battle ensued during which the Arkman went missing.
The Secret
Half a year later, the story of Selenthion began with Sagiron, who discovered the scroll while hunting at the broken bridge. For a long time, he had no idea what he was holding in his hands, and the scroll was nearly destroyed during this time. Later, when Sagiron learned of its nature, he traced the Secret into his Journal, which soon became the key item as the enemy managed to get it. Sagiron had great difficulty getting it back before the enemy learned the Secret, and had to rally all the rogues and rebels to his side, eventually succeeding and contemplating destroying the Journal to prevent this from happening again.
The Chosen
Great plans were shattered when the enemy reinforcements found their hiding place and destroyed the rebel group. Sagiron concluded that they had a greater responsibility, and instead of destroying the Journal, they set out on a journey across Yonland to gather great Yoneians in the footsteps of the Second King to form a Council of Chosen, to whom the Secret would be revealed. The Arkman turned out to be alive, and ultimately ten gathered in Telkheron, becoming the Chosen, the Secret-Keepers, learning the Secret, and hatched a plot that led to an event known as the Bonshac Rebellion, and sent a message to the ruling family of Perillenia, effectively declaring the War of Yanakhon.
The Treasures
With the Arkman alive, a pilgrimage set to retrieve the lost Ark from the Hidden Valley. Sagiron sailed from Telkhen with a plan to fend off the enemy who was pursuing them, but during this voyage they ended up on a completely different course when the pirates they were trying to recruit learned of a different kind of treasure. This took them to the far reaches of Antoria, to the paradise city of Satygartha. The treasure they eventually discovered turned out to be much more powerful, unleashing new powers with the Secret, with the price of the Journal and part of the treasure falling into enemy hands. Sailing home in pursuit of the enemy, they learned of an evil plot involving new, even more powerful enemies. Meanwhile, the War for Yanakhon had begun at home, resulting in the desperate siege of the Temple of Salon.
The Empire
Back home, the criminal who freed the Arkman captured Sagiron in an attempt to extort the Secret, but Sagiron managed to escape. He rendezvoused with the Selerians, who had taken the east of Yanakhon, and marched west to the temple, saving the besieged pilgrims. Learning of the dragon brought by the new enemies, he tamed a saginair and flew over the mountains to the north, where he joined the Arkman, and they also helped the refugees of the north, led by one of the ten Secret-Keepers to cross the Strait of Arkhane using the new powers of the Secret.
Sagiron flew to Kharden to join Roy, and they went to Thang Ikharon, the last stronghold of the Ikharonians. Together they flew to the Lonely Valley, met with the Woodmancers, and after much trouble, Sagiron managed to reveal the Secret to one of them, ending the long divergence since the times of Silantis. Sagiron made his way to Teleng to face the dragon. The armies clashed for the final battle, and the Secret-Keepers faced the enemy salassins, who wielded the Secret with the new powers. In the end, the Yoneians sided with the Perilleans against the traitorous enemies. Sagiron met the last of the enemies in a duel. The battle resulted in the establishment of Yanakhon and a peace treaty with the Perillean Empire.
Thus began the Freedom era of Selenthion, and the treasures of Yanakhon were placed in the Ark, which was returned to its place in the Temple, in the Secret of Secrets.
The Second Act - the Patration
The Selenthion is superseded by the events of the Patration after almost 20 years later, also known as the Betrayal. The followers of Anthorm's Prophecy for the New Antorian Order - a banned ideology under the Yalipan Peace Treaty - gain support in the now established, prosperous Yanakhon and demand a halt to the war reparations paid to the Perillean Empire for securing the peace. Some sinister forces are planning a provocation against the Perillean colony in Yalipan, while others are trying to find ways to gain access to the Yoneian secret.
The Salassins of Yanakhon, the secret detectives under the directive of Vice Merial Arhim, are searching for the handful of powerstones that went missing during the Battle of Teleng, when something comes up.
Warning: spoilers
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