The Characters of the Antoric Universe in the Selenthion era
Abale—warden of the fallen
Adabat—grandson of Bethrat
Aqurama—Sentinel of the Sea
Arabat—kharmatral of Salonic Order
Ardat—master knight trainer
Arhim Metorm—herbmaster, friend of Hadrim
Arkartum Vaskirkan—Vaskite Guardian Knight
Athoul Satalaca—guard chief, father of Helen
Bandokhan—rogue chief of Kharun
Barakhat Belsetharian—katamatsur of School Guild of Harachim
Begelem Hovaring—blacksmith in Akharrat
Bethrat Belensil—village elder; her real name was Bethrasarian
Birgilis—Begelem's wife
Rambor Inohathak—Ranck pirate
Cabasque, Duvail—village chief's wife
Cabasque, Eli—village chief's younger son
Cabasque, Gidon—village chief's older son
Cabasque, Perthare—village chief
Cartidgan, Acne Da Le-Muel—statelord of Silvon province
Cartidgan, Celestaire—matriarch of the salt mine, Percilion's aunt
Cartidgan, Percilion Da Le-Muel—statelord's son, to-be-chief
Cathailin, Acilandre—son of tax scribe
Cathailin, Jurice—village tax scribe and master slaver
Chasoir Da Meuriorae—meusar knight detective, prince
Davit—Bethrat's grandson
Dr. Francoix—village doctor
Elashil Monakhin—Paration speaker
Elyara—warrioress and a rebel
Elyin—Begelem's older daughter
Erdomat—Merkhat's friend
Gadabhat—Harachimian preacher
Galin—Yaramat's elder sister
Giliat Yonatsi—Yalian criminal
Hadrim Sandorance—herbmaster, Arhim's friend, herb store keeper
Halin of Aramatia—a Knight of Salon
Harrogat—Yaramat's friend
Helen Satalaca-Uivoion—guard chief's daughter, with Kerwin
Helziniz—Hellornian, prince of Dom Nuriaz
Horadriam Arkhaniel—the Arkman, heir of the Sole Survivor
Ikhira the Andalite—boss in the River Rats gang
Joat—stingy farmer in Akharrat
Johanat—carpenter, Nemesil's father
Jorat—Begelem's friend
Kerwin Simonakh—Merkhat's elder brother, with Helen
Khane Thondarakh—adviser of Kharun, a spy and an assassin
Lasarat ja Nasarat Andalarrath—minions of Yonatsi, Yalian twins with albinism
Lennis—Begelem's younger daughter
Louicereux Elterchaut—salt mine manager, Celestaire's husband
Malatsarian—Harachimian, she was called Malat
Markhen Yonakhan—Roy's father, a parationman
Masat—Begelem's younger son
Maza, Rami, and Qari—friends of Qarita
Mazurama—uncle of Qarita
Mazur-Tarsha—Dark Priest, "men in masks"
Merkhat Simonakh—Sagiron's friend
Miraqua—Qarita's mother
Murat—spy and an assassin of Kharun
Namatsil—Merkhat's mother
Nashira—Roy's friend
Nemesil—Merkhat's once-girlfriend
Nilathak—rogue of Kharun
Nutthiglaire—mercenary of Le-Muel
Persch-Tasqul—treasure hunter
Phanathar—Queen of the North,
Qarita—Sentinel of the Sea, daughter of Miraqua
Rabat "the Robber" Slimbaga—a petty thief
Rainbor—innkeeper, master brewer
Ravin Halon—rebel from Phanim, Arkhen Glider
Romanachim—Harachimian, called Romat
Roy Yonakhan—Whitling rogue
Sagiron, son of Sargus—homeless hunter boy
Salimerat—the second grand-king, merial of Yanakhon
Samael—a temple knight prospect
Sansimal—prince of Selassinia
Sargus, son of Sargomerat—water driver
Sentamat—a capotsi watchman
Severat—Begelem's older son
Silat Yuliwin—Selerian warrior and a double agent
Simonat—Merkhat's father
Solothurm Erethruin—patral of Metoria
Thristam—scout of Kharun
Trumat—scribe's servant
Yahamat, son of Anthomerat—Elder Brother
Yalina Elenatsi—Yonatsi's elder sister
Yaramat—innkeeper's son
Arhim Metorm
The Journals of Metorm, which bear his name, were written after the events of the Selenthion, inspired by the journals of Arhim's father. The entire story was written in one magnum opus called "Kha Selentikh" or "The Selenthion", but was later split into four stories. He later added a second act, "The Patration," to the collection, but the later acts were left for his heirs to complete.
Arhim was a central character in the story of Selenthion, witnessing everything from the discovery of the secret, the journey across Yanakhon, the Bonshac Rebellion, the Farlands, the treasure voyage, and the war for Yanakhon. Sagiron appointed him ("of course") Vice Merial of the Yoneian States after the founding of Yanakhon.
During the first winter season, he began writing the Selenthikh (Sil. "A writing about the Selenthion"), gathering all the necessary information over the course of the next year, along with his work as chairman of the Paration.
Time before the Selenthion
Arhim was born in Yalisco, on the island of Yalipan, and ended up in the village of Akharrat after being expelled from two different Perillean universities due to his origins as a half-Yoneian.
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