The Timeline of Yoneian History
The timeline of Yoneian history to the Selentique Era
The Silanic people sail over Strait of Silas – 1300-1200 ESE
Silantis is founded – 1200 ESE (approx.)
Seleturm supervolcano erupts – 720 ESE
Silverland and Ikharonia separate, deep winter – 720-400 ESE
Metesolithic Silver Kingdoms – 500-300 ESE
Old Silverland expands to Avonia – 400-200 ESE
The Rasack Wars
Whitling Wars in western Avonia – 250 ESE >
The decline of of Metesolithic Seleria – 270-100 ESE
Metoria-Valon line and castle built – 220-100 ESE
The "golden age" of the second Silver Age – 150-0 ESE
Selensil, Silvon Palace, Patral Taranthurm – 15 ESE
The decline of Silverland – 12 ESE >
Metorian Kingdom – 12 ESE
Belsetharian persecutions, Durachim's prophecy – 1 ESE
Descension of the Seas – 0 YEAR OF TURNING
Yonturil ends the Selerian Wars, declares himself as a Selecontral, (translit. "Silver Emperor")
Durachim's search for the Hidden Valley – 0-2
Gralon and 72 warriors defeat Durachim and Hagat Belait and acquire Salat Kata, leave for Silvon – 7
Gralon's Temple State is formed – 8
Temple warriors (Kharment Thaisturim) crusade, conquer Yonland, war against Metoria and Seleria – 16-20
Vaskites attack from the north – 24
Yonturil falls in Teleng
Gralon rides a saginair against the dragon
Agnas and Halfin defeated, Milonreinion redeemed
Gralon conquers lands from Teleng to Seleria – 24-28
Gralon's Saginair Riders – 24-
Rasalon betrays and slays Gralon – 28
Ten Years' War of the Sword – 28-40
Havok comes for Miloren – 42
Absalat casts Miloren into Blackwater
Yoneian wars against Ikharon
Ikharonia conquers northern Avonia – 42-80
The years of the false kings and disunity – 42-130
The Metorians get Salat Kata – 132
Metoria becomes great; Metorian Era – 150-248
Salin finds Miloren – 245
Salin's path as the second merial: Anthorm, way to Harachim, flight to Ikharonia, Kharon the Faireye, the Chosen, the Yalian States and the Silver Kings, war against the Great Metoria
Metoria is defeated, Second Yanakhon is formed, Harachim's amnesty, New Order of Salon – 245-250
Condarians attack – 252
Thang Ikharon is sealed – 253
Yalimerat's betrayal, Salimerat falls in Teleng, Mashiat's flight to Harachim, Anthorm's prophecy, The Ark is hidden, Iron Doom, Fall of Harachim, Arkhaniel survives – 253
Arkhaniel kills Iron Hand, takes Miloren to Arkhanic City, confronts Koppeltan – 255
Ark's crusades, war against Metorians and the Rancks – 255-260
Palpurians attack Arkhanic City – 261
The Perillean colonization of Yanakhon – 261 >
Perilleans take the major cities – 261-281
Greater Ionia under Perillean control – 295 >
Chasoir investigates the legend of Anthorm – 320-323
Arkhaniel Brothers go to the Ark – 323 During Belation
Arkhaniel is captured at the beginning of the Lush Season
Metorm: The Secret timeline – 323-324
The events of 323
Sagiron finds the scroll 4. Of Withember (8th)
Sargus falls 5.
Sagiron ends up with Arhim 6.
Yahamat's herbs are taken
The Lessons begin 7.
Confessions at Yahamat's 14.
The Way of the Warrior begins 15.
Events of 324
Merkhat is branded into the slave company 7. Of Newthember (1.)
Sagiron and the marks: Yahamat's reveal 14.
The pilgrimage to Salon begins 4. Of Junthember (2.)
Skill Games 5.
Sagiron meets the School of Harachim 6.
The Great Evening at the Temple 7.
Attack, escape from the temple 8.
Return to home village
Yahamat's memorial 9.
Sagiron's contemplations in the cottage 20.
Period of isolation
Sagiron discovers the Secret 52. Of Fielthember (5th)
Atrice Cabasque steps aside 61.
Gidon's murder
The trial 62.
Percilion becomes the new atrice 63.
Sagiron, Arhim and Merkhat decide to leave 64.
The Wagonmen, relegation 65.
Bethrat walks
Chasoir is in Silvon, hears rumors 66.
Sagiron defeats Gadabhat with the Secret
Chasoir talks to Sagiron disguised as a bard
Meusar detectives raid Arhim's house
Feast of Veration 67.
Sagiron instigates the rebellion, desperate escape – 67 - 1st of Bluethember (6th)
Meusars arrest the fugitives 1.
Prison wagons to Tritoria
Roy identifies Sagiron
Chasoir and Le-Muel argue, meusar plot 1. - 2.
Roy and his friends free the four 2.
Flight from Tritoria
The band or rogues in Silwoods 4.
Journey to Gatsemat 5. - 9.
The liberation of Gatsemat, Elyara 10.
The Raven Creek 11.
Raiding of Silvon Palace 12. - 13.
The Bearhill hideout 16.
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